Thursday, July 29, 2010

Is Vermont in America??..a CA perspective!

Hi friends!!
I have been saying to Kim the last few vacation days, "Aren't we in America??" I guess we are...we are just rural!

Monday, the internet guy came out to our house and informed us that there is no room on the satellite for our little connection/house. We aren't getting internet at home right now. We do pass DSL Fairpoint trucks on famously scenic route 100....the proof that infact DSL interenet will be made available to us soon...we won't be able to move here for our experimental 1 year with no web access...this is how Kim would run her SD, CA business from the woods!

While that guy was on our roof, we lost home phone/land line. Kim was on the phone with the satellite people, and the phone went dead. It always comes back, though!

We have no cell phone reception, we've chosen not to pay for voicemail service, and the power went out all last night. We DID catch Top Chef on Bravo last night...but right after it ended, an error message interrupted the screen reading, "Satellite loss due to rain and cloud coverage,"....

We are REMOVED!! However, we are having a restful, fabulous time! Apparently, after some desolate reflection, I needed rest from the dizzy spin I do in SD. And we all know Kim needed rest from a haunting EDD audit this last year and a changing business.

WE visited a Wells College friend of mine yesterday in Plymouth, VT...ten minutes outside Woodstock. Anneke's historical family home is a 200-something year old farmhouse, with authentic basement mud floors and low ceilings! It was so interesting to be inside a real old American house.

I'll post pictures of Anneke. Our meet up was inspired by our sons' need for a playdate...they're both two year old toddlers... Collin even taught my Hud how to say "Mine-s", and his dad, Chris, a professional painter taught Hud how to paint!

I'm in Waitsfield, VT right now at a cafe, Kim walking Hud around before we get groceries and host Angela and Jason for the weekend. We're making blueberry pies with all the picking berries we collected yesterday! And, if the sun comes out again, we'll lay out on our wood deck and then walk the creek! Till the next wifi!

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