Monday, September 13, 2010

A September Gardening DATE with my WIFE!

Yesterday I Tweeted and Facebook-ed all day how beautiful I think September is. To me, it far surpasses the other months in sparkle and shine! Saturday literally glittered when we took a family (dogs included) bike ride in our hood. Beautiful sparkly sunshine on palm trees and hand-washed cars! We had the humble, overall blue summer the northeast had last year, but September rarely, almost never disappoints!

So yesterday, in the month of catch-up-on-all-your-last-summer-bbq's, we washed our cars and gardened the front of our house. Man, does everything look fabulous and clean and bigger and brighter, now!

We washed cars with our 2 and 1/2 year old and when he layed down for a "rest"....(please nap, please), my wife and I dragged every gardening tool down the drive way to the front of the house to cut down unruly bamboo, overgrown bush grasses, dead HUGE sunflowers, and spider ridden Elephant-Foot palms...FUN!!!! It was so much fun getting dirty with my partner while Hudson napped...I've been unable to go up front and do this household chore alone, because Hudson would be too close too the street. And this chore matters so much more to me, because it involves appearance...and we all know I like pretty things...including my front yard!

But the romance of it was the pre-baby, "just-a-couple" nostalgia. While we adore our son, it was wonderful to bond over a task that brought us together for the first 4 years of our relationship. We built our courtyard, and regretfully planted that bamboo, and brought home those palms, and got OUR palms dirty together landscaping our home since April 2004.

We sat on the couch tired and aching together last night watching the True Blood Finale thoroughly connected and satisfied with ourselves and the new weeded state of our house....we sighed with the pleasure of gratitude over the things we HAVE, as opposed to another conversation about things we need, or need to do, or need to plan.

Ahhh, September! do you guys have anything you adore about September?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Boutique Said No to my Jewelry? Ouch!

I know I'm supposed to be humble, and embody a sense of, "This is part of the Universe' plan for me"....but it hurt! My jewelry or home decor hasn't yet been turned down after showing at a boutique or reminds me of an old painful sentiment - the first time someone broke up with me, after a little "Winning" streak of being the "breaker-upper".
Okay, wait...there was that one bridal boutique in Manhattan that Lauren introduced me to, but I wasn't all that crazy about bridal jewelry in the first place, so I felt like my energy had clearly contributed to never consigning there.
Yesterday, I walked in nervous, one arm around my Shell Trunk of jewelry and wares, the other gripping the shoulder of my 2 & 1/2 year old toddler. The latter was a BAD former angel of a son became a running lunatic in this high-end trendy and golden boutique, and I became an apologizing and distracted mother.
Like I posted on facebook, the owner turned me down in 4.1 minutes...I know because of the parking meter into which I had plunked more quarters than needed.
Bu this I'm sure jewelry and winter Wreckollections Wreaths and Ornaments were perfect for her store, regardless of the fact that she said, "I can tell in my gut you're not a fit here."
I KNOW the fall "Cowboy" inspired chains and beads, and the vintage jewelry wreaths were gorgeous and fabulous. I'm filled with self-doubt like most women, but in my creations, I'm not...I'm very, very sure that they're the bomb.
So, I can wonder all day WHY I wasn't invited to sell in her store, I can assume it's as she said...that she holds tons of jewelry right now....but what this did confirm for me was the knowledge that my stuff for the upcoming fall and winter seasons are delicious! I KNOW it...:)
Here are some pictures of a mini wreath and lavender quartz crystals.